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1966   1967   1968   1969   1970   1971   1972

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July 1967     August 1967     September 1967     October 1967     November 1967     December 1967

Summary - April 1967

By April 1967, American troop strength continued to grow and casualties increased.  At the far right is Nurse Anesthetist, CPT Tom Hovey(Source: Don Patrick) The tech with his back to the camera in the foreground is a Sp/6 Young.  The remainder of the people in this photo are not identified - if you know, please email the Webmaster.

OR_Circa_1967_Morton.jpg (36713 bytes)
Courtesy Tim Morton
Click on photo to see larger version

Blood - Always a Precious Item

Here is X-Ray Tech SP4 Ted Uzelac donating fresh blood for a 'bleeder'.  The blood is being taken by Lab Tech Dan Cunningham.

Cunningham/TedUzelac_DonatingBlood_1967.jpg (13770 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham
Click on photos to see
 larger version.

In the Operating Room, an OR nurse receives a unit of blood from Dan Cunningham, while SGT Jackson of the Lab and SP5 Bartlett, presumably of the OR, look on.  If you can identify the nurse, notify the Webmaster, please.

Cunningham/Blood_OR_2.jpg (10340 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

(L to R) Jackson, Bartlett, and X-Ray Tech Curt Warrick.

Cunningham/Blood_OR.jpg (10502 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

And here is where those guys lived

Cunningham/1967_Tents.jpg (33490 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

Lab's Eye View of Triage

Here's a Dustoff landing at the helipad of the 24th.   is spelled out on the pad.Patients were taken immediately into Triage.  For a picture of the helipad, go to "Queen Tonic."

Cunningham/Incomingwounded_1967.jpg (18711 bytes)
Click on photos to see
 larger version.
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

Here are Dr. Donald Patrick, Neurosurgeon, assisted by Bill Gorsuch, Dan Cunningham, and others in the triage of a patient.

Cunningham/Triage_DrPatrick_BillGorsuch_1967.jpg (24108 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

As we all know so well, injured babies are also a part of war.  Blood is being drawn with a right femoral puncture (from the groin area).

Cunningham/infantfemoralpuncture_1967.jpg (24944 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

Here is Dr. Renadin, Neurosurgeon, taking a well earned break.

Cunningham/DrRenadin_Neurosurgeon.jpg (27361 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

Rick Rounds, hard at work.
A&D, Maybe?  (Admitting & Disposition)

Cunningham/RickRounds.jpg (21391 bytes)
Photo courtesy of 
Dan Cunningham

24th Home     Main History    Guest Book     Reunion     Recollections

1966   1967   1968   1969   1970   1971   1972

January 1967     February 1967     March 1967     May 1967     June 1967
July 1967     August 1967     September 1967     October 1967     November 1967     December 1967

Updated June 11, 2001
