1: Discover a dietitian-approved list of the healthiest alcoholic beverages that won't sabotage your wellness goals.

2: In moderation, red wine can offer heart-healthy antioxidants and may boost longevity.

3: Clear spirits like vodka and gin are low in calories and easy to mix with healthier options.

4: Sip on light beers to enjoy a refreshing drink without the excess carbs and calories.

5: Opt for dry champagne, which contains fewer additives and sugar than other sparkling wines.

6: Tequila, when consumed responsibly, can be a lower calorie choice with potential gut health benefits.

7: Whiskey and bourbon can provide antioxidants and may help lower your risk of heart disease.

8: Enjoy a glass of hard cider for a tasty treat that is often lower in sugar than other fruity drinks.

9: Moderation is key when it comes to choosing healthier alcohol options for overall well-being.